Author: Katie Shelly

Image features a color photo of two brides holding hands, and mouths open as though yelling. One woman with a thought bubble that reads: “Not what I had / in mind!” They are standing on a table covered with silver and china. Across the poster, in pink: “Is it worth being / Boring / for a Blender?” Lower margin: “GAY MARRIAGE / You might as well be straight.” Upper left: “Poster sponsored / in part by / HX FOR HER / NEW YORK CITY”. Upper right: “ANOTHER PUBLIC ART PROJECT BROUGHT TO YOU BY / DAM! [DYKE ACTION MACHINE] /
Gays Against Gay Marriage
In celebration of World Pride, June Object of the Day posts highlight LGBTQ+ designers and design in the collection. This post originally appeared on March 30, 2015. This provocative poster was designed in 1997, one year after the US Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act. Known simply as “DOMA,” the Act barred same-sex married couples from being recognized by federal law. The poster is...
Business of Design 2014 | Digital Life
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Business of Design 2014 | Internal vs External Teams
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Business of Design 2014 | Talent
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Business of Design 2014 | Proactivity
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Business of Design 2014 | Feedback & Intuition
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Business of Design 2014 | Museums
On October 8, 2014, leading business and design innovators were invited to Cooper Hewitt’s Business of Design Breakfast, an annual invitation-only National Design Awards event for business leaders to discuss how good design is good business. Teresa Yoo, Vice President of Brand Strategy and Experience Design at IBM moderated the conversation, which was hosted by...
Ben Cerveny on Planetary
In 2013, Cooper Hewitt acquired the iPad music application Planetary, developed by Bloom Studio Inc., along with the underlying source code. The code was freely released to enable developers to build upon and incorporate it into other software design. Planetary represents an important branch of interactive data visualization, which was a first in the consumer...
Annual Fund
Your gift to the Annual Fund provides critical support to every aspect of the museum, including its exhibitions, educational programs, permanent collection, conservation, digital initiatives, and operations.