The Artvertiser is a software platform that replaces billboard advertisements with art in real-time. It works by teaching computers to recognize individual advertisements so they can be easily replaced with alternative content, like images and video. A user must hold special Artvertiser goggles up to an advertisement to see artwork appear as a superimposed layer...
TYPEFACE is an application that creates a custom font using facial recognition via your computer's Webcam. The sophisticated software even allows you to make silly faces at the camera and watch as the typeface adjusts in real time. The project was created using Processing, the open-source programming language. A font created with the TYPEFACE application...
Officially announced this month, version 1.0 of the definition for Open Source Hardware is complete. Similar to Open Source Software, Open Source Hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The Arduino Microcontroller is an example...
images from The IFF’s contributors’ galleries You’ve heard of open-source software. But what about open-source objects? The Los Angeles-based Institute For Figuring shares the instructions and principles behind their hyperbolic crochet technique right on their website. Like a team of data-hungry programmers, they invite people from all over the world to replicate the design, and...
Two significant tools for American designers seeking to make their design process more sustainable have recently been announced. The first tool, which hopefully will have broad and positive implications for manufacturers of outdoor industry goods, is Eco-Index . Basically an assessment tool which evaluates a product’s environmental impact, Eco-Index allows manufacturers to measure six...
The evening of May 19th capped off a three-day residency at the Cooper-Hewitt for Natalie Chanin, founder and designer of the design studio Alabama Chanin. Chanin, one of the founders of the burgeoning “slow fashion” movement, followed up her two-day Design Directions workshop for teenagers with an hour-long public lecture and book signing. “Lecture”...
What is the best way to convey the spirit of the work being done around the world? Footage of the exhibition objects being used in the locations where they are normally used helps provide context. I also received a phone call from Botswana, one of the contributors to exhibition was traveling to New York. I...
On March 8, Ben Fry offered a hands-on workshop at Cooper-Hewitt devoted to Processing, the open-source visual design software that he co-authored. For more information, visit our calendar. The Processing workshop is part of our “Tech on Your Terms” series, which invites the public to come to the museum and try out various design technologies....
The phrase “Web 2.0” refers to the rise of social media over the past four or five years, in which users post their own content as well as shaping the way existing content is viewed through commenting, voting, rating, tagging, and other forms of interaction. Blogging is a big part of this. Most people are...