John Maeda talks about Neue Craft The most recent addition to the the Adobe Museum of Digital Media is a lecture by John Maeda called A+B=C (Atoms+Bits=Craft). Once you get past the Museum’s virtual architecture, which I talked about in my blog on Tuesday (March 29th), you find yourself in John’s world, where he stands...
Officially announced this month, version 1.0 of the definition for Open Source Hardware is complete. Similar to Open Source Software, Open Source Hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The Arduino Microcontroller is an example...
A hi-tech spin on a lo-fi pastime, these dominos topple without touching. Developed by Japanese designer Jarashi Suki and the IAMAS Ubiquitous Interaction Research Group, the clever design is now on view at the 14th Japan Media Arts Festival. The Esper Domino uses xBee and Arduino technology to riff on a simple, familiar diversion. Found...
2011. Designer/Editor: Ms. Liz Granger. Courtesy: Technology for Tomorrow Ltd. Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSB), an affordable and environmentally sustainable alternative to fired bricks, are made from soil stabilized with 5% cement, compressed in manually operated machines, and dried in the sun.
2011. Editor: Bas Hoefman. Courtesy of Text to Change. Text to Change partners with national governments, United Nations agencies, mobile-communication providers, for-profit companies, and NGOs to design free, accessible health, education, economic-development, and transparency programs that aim to effect change through customized information and services.
This is the fifth in a series of posts about my new book, Designing Media Chris Anderson, November 2008 I interviewed Chris Anderson in the offices of Wired magazine in San Francisco. He had taken the job of Editor in Chief just before the crash in 2001, so he was faced with hard choices about...
This is the fourth in a series of posts about my new book, Designing Media James Truman, December 2008 I was lucky to be able to interview James Truman in Napa Valley, not so far away from my home base, where he was staying in a visitor’s cottage on the Francis Ford Coppola estate. He...
This is the third in a series of posts about my new book, Designing Media Paul Saffo, July 2008 I put the interview with Paul Saffo at the beginning of the book because he gives such an erudite overview of the changes in media and the challenges faced by the people involved its creation and...
It was an exciting moment for MOUSE Corps Students when a surprise visit from Bill Moggridge left them awestruck and inspired. An innovative youth development program, MOUSE Corps prepares high school students for future educational and professional roles by providing opportunities for in-depth technology projects. One of many programs through MOUSE includes a student-led design...